Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Can’t Monopoly Money Be Real?

In my house we have frequent family game nights. This is an opportunity for the entire family to sit down together and enjoy sibling rivalry, er, family bonding. I always think about how great it would be if the paper game money were real. I don't think I would know what to do. Roll around in it? Try to spend as much as possible (think Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions)? Realistically, I realize money doesn't solve everything. Our current administration begs to differ.

President Obama has spent a lot of time in the past two weeks…wait, his entire Presidency…blaming the economic problems on the GOP, or former President Bush, depending on the speech and the end goal expected. While I agree certain aspects of the problems in our country can be laid at the feet of W, not everything falls in this category. But the blame game is quite popular these days, just in select locations. Did you see the latest approval ratings to come out of the capital? 85%. I am caught between disbelief and laughter. Either the poll was small, think 100 people, or there is a lot of imbibing in the big city. Then again, the most recent poll of Arizona puts the President's approval at a teensy 28%, so I guess it must be true. I mean, come on, those Arizonans are pretty pissed off at the government and have no reason to tell anything but the whole truth on a poll, right? But I digress.

The economic woes of the United States are going to be here for a while. I have a hard time believing anything coming from this administration, but particularly feel cheated and lied to about the current economic status of our country. Before anyone starts the blame game, or the defense of the Chosen One, read this link: http://blog.heritage.org/2009/03/24/bush-deficit-vs-obama-deficit-in-pictures/. See the pretty pictures of the deficit during W and after? President Obama predicts the deficit to be cut in half by 2013. HOW? How will this be possible? This is a pretty bold claim from an administration who claims the massive stimulus bill passed 17 months ago actually did its job. Of course it did. How else would the country be graced with the presence of so many new roadways being named after Obama? Obama and his ego probably had that provision written into the fine print of the bill.

Unemployment remains high. The numbers "have improved." What a great turn of phrase. I consider improvement that requires a pat on the back to be larger than +/- .2 percent. Of course, in the society we live in, where even the biggest failures receive a ribbon for "participating," this is not shocking. Americans live to praise the mediocre. How else do people get elected with no business being in an elected position? On a related side note, one of the first places to begin repairing this rift would be in our nation's education system: primary, secondary and at institutions of higher learning. Case in point for the academy: the student who felt deserving of an "A" simply by attending every class, regardless of test score. Not to mention, the academy is where the liberal minions are trained and brainwashed. We need to spend less time appreciating failure and more time focusing on results. And I am not convinced this administration is "results" oriented. I am also not convinced this administration will be around to see any long term results. "I would rather be a great one term President than…." You get the picture.

Now we have the passage of the financial reform bill. According to a July 15, 2010 article from The New York Times, the bill "reasserts the importance of federal supervision of financial transactions." You can read the full article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/16/business/16regulate.html?_r=1. The question I have is this: who is in charge of supervising the federal government's financial transactions? Answer: TAXPAYING AMERICANS. Remember, this only includes 53% of us. The other 47% doesn't get a say. In fact, I think that until the federal government magically does away with taxes (which will never, ever happen), then those who don't pay shouldn't get to vote these kinds of administrations into office in the first place.

The federal government's partial solution to the economic crisis was to print more money. It's that easy. Credit card companies found ways around the 2009 Credit Card Reform Act. Ask me about my current opinion of Capital One's "new policies." It is not a far stretch of the imagination to think financial institutions can't find a way to skirt the new rules of Big Brother. Just like kids find a way to secretly hold all that play money, it can and will happen.